Shelley's Preschool is located in Ivins, Utah.
Shelley's Preschool is located in Ivins, Utah.
Contact Teacher Shelley for address details and/or directions to the school.
Shelley's Preschool is registered with the state of Utah and is licensed through Ivins City.
Our primary objective is to teach your child to LOVE school! Our goal is to begin building a foundation, with loving to learn at its core, that will hopefully continue well beyond the preschool years! We want them to understand structure and self-discipline - - to know that there is a ‘time’ and a ‘place’ for everything, from work, to play - - and to have the skills necessary to make the inevitable transition from preschool to Kindergarten!
We do not take our lesson plans or work from any one curriculum program. There are many great programs available, but we prefer to build our program from a variety of quality sources. We concentrate on a variety of subjects, such as beginning phonics and reading, early writing skills, numbers, shapes, colors, seasons & weather, music, art, beginning science, etc. just to name a few. We also provide plenty of opportunities for social play and lot's of FUN!
Children must be 3 years old and potty trained prior to enrollment.
The School Year runs from September to May. We follow the Washington County School District Schedule.
Tuition is calculated based on the entire school year and has been broken down into monthly payments for your convenience. Half months, breaks for Fall and Spring and holidays are all taken into account in the calculation of the yearly tuition cost. Tuition can be paid yearly, per semester or monthly.
Tuition is due on the first week of every month.
2 day's a week ~ $80.00
3 day's a week ~ $120.00
Registration and Supply Fee $50
Due at the time of enrollment/registration.This fee is non-refundable. It covers the cost of all supplies, snacks and field trips for your child.
Cash or Check
Checks made payable to Shelley Schwendiman
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at 668-0829.